For some people, the word detox evokes images of someone living on smoothies and fruit juice for a week and maybe spending a lot of time in the bathroom. For others, there’s still that image of a bathroom, or maybe someone rolling around in bed as they come off the drugs they’ve been addicted to. No matter the image you see, detoxing your body (or even your skin) is kind of similar no matter what you’re trying to banish.

What Is Detox, In General?

As a noun, the dictionary defines detox as “a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances; detoxification.” As a verb, it is defined as “abstain from or rid the body of toxic or unhealthy substances.”

So, as you can see, not only could you detox from drugs or alcohol, but you can also detox from things like sugar (another unhealthy substance you may be putting into your body). You can even detox your skin. The human skin absorbs all kinds of things, from lotion to pollution.

Detoxing From Drugs And Alcohol

This is probably the most intense thing to detox from. If you’ve ever watched a TV show or movie about drugs and watched someone try to get off them, you know that the detox process means a lot of pain, sweating, and even vomiting. It’s not a pretty sight.

Drugs cause a lot of harm to the human body, so it kind of makes sense that they’d make a fuss getting pushed out. That’s why detox centers have drugs that help with the detox. Doing it without can even lead to death.

Dietary Detoxing

There are many dietary reasons people detox. Sometimes they do it to lose weight, sometimes it’s because of health issues, sometimes they just want to get off a certain food and clear it from their system altogether. There are pills that can be used for detox, but many people prefer to detox the natural way.

The natural way means using things like a fruit cleanse. They eat or drink a certain dietary regimen for a certain amount of days. What they put into their body helps flush out the toxins and stuff that they’ve stored up in fat cells and elsewhere.

Skin Detox

Just like you build up toxins inside your body, in your liver and elsewhere, you also build them up in your skin. These toxins can cause blemishes, acne, and even sensitive skin. However, there are things you can do on the outside to specifically detox your skin.

Look for facials and face masks that have detoxifying properties. Something with charcoal in it will surely pull out all of the impurities in your skin. You can buy pre-made masks or research recipes to make your own at home with natural ingredients from your kitchen.

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